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I Got Out Of Debt And Started Earning Loads Of Money In 60 Days. You Can To

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Summary: How to stop existing and start to earn a fortune in a short time.

The day you realize that you will never have to work again, if you don't want to, will be the best day of your life! How would you like to go into the showroom and not just to admire a top of the range car, but to buy it for cash? Picture the salesman's face when you hand over your bank card and say "put it on there"! How would you like to just call the travel agent and book a luxury five star hotel in some exotic location when ever you want it? If you have ever been broke and in debt you know how bleak the future may seem. You may be working for a slave driver for a mere pittance with no visible way out. Did you have to kiss butt last year to get time off for a measly 2 weeks a year vacation that you had to save up all year to pay for? I have been there, my wife left me, and I lost my job and the home that went with it. Don't ask about the debts! And these were the good times! But all of that was in the past. The debts are all paid and I have money to spare. I have freedom and you can to. You can be free to do what you want, when you want. Imagine you have a magnificent home with its own pool, all paid for? "I love your gardens". "Where did you find your gardener"? "I hear you are buying a beachfront property". You have thousands in your bank account, growing daily. If I can do it so can you. Let's start to turn things round right now. This is the hard part but as a wise old man once said "the world's longest journey begins with the first step". You need to stop wasting money. Look at all the ways that money disappears during the day. Do you really need that daily paper? Do you buy lunch out while you are at work? What about the Starbucks coffee, and cakes. What about all those credit cards? Each card will cost you 20% per year or more. This means every $100 you spend on groceries using your card will cost you $120. This is hard earned money and you are giving it away to total strangers. Why? Leave your credit cards at home. If you can't pay cash, ask yourself if you really need it. Do not believe the salesman who says "If you don't buy it now it will not be available later". There is always another one, maybe cheaper, in the next shop. Only take advice from someone who can prove they have made money for themselves. Avoid get rich quick schemes. Did you know that most of those get rich quick schemes are total bull-dust and only designed to make the authors wealthy? Some are so bad that no one could make a single dime from them, no mater how many hours they worked or how much they invested. You will also have to change your beliefs. All millionaires believe that they deserve to be wealthy; all poor men believe they deserve to be poor. What have they done to deserve this? Are they any better or worse than the next man? I believe it was Henry Ford who said "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right"! Basically you are what you think Do Olympic athletes think about loosing? No. They visualise winning. They eat, drink, sleep and dream about winning. There is a saying "Winners never quit and quitters never win". Which are you? That's right "You Are A Winner"! Now is the time to start dreaming of winning, and winning big. You need to start to work for yourself because you will never get rich while you work for someone else. You may make them rich but they are not going to share it with you. A pilot for Virgin Airlines may earn good money but will never live the same lifestyle as Richard Branson. Believe that you can earn more money than you will ever need. There is no reason why one man will succeed and another will fail. No person is born with all the luck. Learning to visualise is easy and will greatly help in making you rich. If I say "Golf Ball", you will visualise a picture of a white, round, hard, ball with dimples. If I say "Slazenger Golf Ball", you will also picture the name on the ball. What about "An Old, Split, Golf Ball"? This is just a simple visualisation but it shows that we all think in pictures. This will work with your dream car. Put photos of it all over the house, visit the dealers and try it out for size, have a test drive. Visualise yourself driving your new car for 5 minutes each day. Hear the engine, smell the leather, be there. This will work for anything. If you constantly think in pictures of wealth what do you think you will get. Think about your dream lifestyle as much as you can and believe that you deserve it. My turning point was when I got a copy of "The Midas Method" By Stuart Goldsmith. From that day on I never looked back. Who was the idiot that said money does not make you happy? "If this is being unhappy, give me more"! Take a look at this E-book and if it does not work for you there is a money back guarantee. You will either gain wealth or get your money back. You can't loose.
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What I liked about the service is that it had such a comprehensive collection of jobs! I was using a number of sites previously and this took up so much time, but in joining EmploymentCrossing, I was able to stop going from site to site and was able to find everything I needed on EmploymentCrossing.
John Elstner - Baltimore, MD
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