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Branching Out May Start with a Simple Leaf: Stockleaf

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Summary: Think back to the days when you got up in the morning, powered up that laptop, and began to see what was going on with your investments. Or let's go back even further.

Think back to the days when you got up in the morning, powered up that laptop, and began to see what was going on with your investments. Or let's go back even further. Remember the days when you'd sit at your desk, sipping coffee as you perused the financial section of the Wall Street Journal, skimming the articles, keeping your eyes peeled for whatever stock symbol was closest to your heart-or your wallet? Those days are long gone. Now there's a simpler, more efficient way to get the financial news you need from the top news sources in the world any time you want. Stockleaf. The name couldn't be more apropos. Stockleaf has sprung up on the internet superhighway, changing the way financial news is presented, organized, and researched. The concept is simple. Type in a stock symbol and hit 'Search.' In seconds, you'll have links to every recent article from every reliable financial news site on your screen. Want to know what Google Finance is saying about TELOX today? Stockleaf. Want to know what MSN Money has to say about GOOG? Stockleaf. Want to know if WB is up or down? You guessed it. Stockleaf. Stockleaf has invited all the heavy-hitters to the party. You'll get the most recent links to articles mentioning your desired stock from financial news sites like Forbes, Y! Finance, MSN Money, Google Finance, Seeking Alpha, and more. You'll also be able to click on the latest feeds from financial blogs, financial news sites like Kiplinger, and sort the articles you want to read based on subject. Stockleaf also gives you the latest information about your stock including share price, the previous day's close, P/E, and dividend yield. In short, Stockleaf is more than just a financial website. It's a tool. It's where you should start when you're looking for the most reliable, up-to-date information on the stocks you own, the stocks you're thinking of buying, or the stocks you just unloaded. It's your roadmap, your hub, your launching pad. Instead of forcing you to click on site after site, looking for what you need, it brings it all right there to you on a single page. So is Stockleaf the internet stock news navigational tool to trump all others? What others? Stockleaf is the only navigational tool to help you locate information on publicly traded companies quickly and easily. In short, it's one-stop shopping. Consider it the meeting hall where all the financial gurus have gathered to talk about the one single stock you care about. Want to know what the folks at Motley Fool are saying about Bank of America? Would you like to compare their thoughts to those of Jim Cramer and the analysts at Ockham Research? Or at Bespoke Investment Group? Well then, my friend, you've come to the right place. Stockleaf will, without a doubt, change how you research financial news online. Isn't it amazing that one little leaf can do so much? We think so.
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