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New Jersey Car Insurance Online - What You Need To Look For

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Summary: Shopping online can be both fun and beneficial, but many of us are wisely careful about what it is exactly that we are purchasing. If you're a car owner and driver in New Jersey and are interested in looking for car insurance online, there are a few things you need to know first. Did you know that in order to drive legally in most states, drivers are required to purchase a minimum of liability insurance, including property damage and bodily injury? It's true.

Shopping online can be both fun and beneficial, but many of us are wisely careful about what it is exactly that we are purchasing. If you're a car owner and driver in New Jersey and are interested in looking for car insurance online, there are a few things you need to know first. Did you know that in order to drive legally in most states, drivers are required to purchase a minimum of liability insurance, including property damage and bodily injury? It's true. And in all states, you are financially responsible for car accidents in which you are involved so you'll have to show proof that you can cover the financial responsibility. The costs of automobile accidents are usually much higher than the costs covered by the minimum insurance limits set by each state. New Jersey car owners are required to have bodily injury and property damage liability, as well as personal injury protection (which can cover medical, rehabilitation, and funeral costs, as well as any lost earnings due to the accident - personal injury protection is mandatory in all no-fault states) and uninsured motorist coverage. The minimum liability limits for New Jersey car owners is 15/30/5. Although New Jersey car owners are not required to show their proof of insurance at the time of vehicle registration or registration renewal, they are required to show proof of insurance at the time of an automobile accident and keep such proof of insurance in their vehicles at all times. If at any time a New Jersey car owner is caught without proof of insurance, he or she risks being fined anywhere from $300 to $1,000, being sentenced to community service, and having his or her license suspended for one year. So, the next time you look online to do some shopping make sure you know exactly what you're getting, and that what you're getting is what you need - especially if you're purchasing New Jersey car insurance online!
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